
I wrote about how important sleep is but now I want to write about bipolar exhaustion. It’s so different from just being tired, it weighs you down like no other and makes life unbearable. I know because I’ve suffered through it and am going through it as I write this. It gets in my head […]


I should’ve written this in with the nutrition post buuut I thought maybe this could be a separate post. The thing about exercise at least for me is I lose my will to do it. I could be going strong twice a day for months at a time and then bam that quick it’s all […]


I recently had to quit my job, I put my two weeks in just a few days ago. It sucks, it was a decent job with what’s considered good pay around here. What happened was a bipolar depressive episode, I’m finding-to my great unhappiness that I’m just too tired and I don’t have it in […]


Bipolar both I and II are fraught with addiction, mostly because you just want to feel…better. I’ve had my share of addictions from pills to alcohol, smoking, shopping you name it and I’ve lived there. However, the only addiction I still have is cigarettes I’m proud to say. It actually didn’t start until after I’d […]


Hmm exciting topic and just oh so much for me to say on it today lol. Sorry for the sarcasm I’m tired and I’m tired of nutrition especially since I’ve been struggling with it for the past few weeks. I am a vegetarian but for the past few weeks for some reason I fell off […]

Mania, Depression and Hypomania

Ok to start with I’m still in a depressive episode, meaning I’m exhausted and have to force myself to do anything including but not limited to my schoolwork. I was going to say when I’m depressed, I don’t really feel anything, but that’s not true I feel overwhelming sadness that weighs me down and anger […]

Mood Swings

When I talk about mood swings I talk about extreme mood swings, not like a normal person gets. Mine can change from second to second and go from high to low, being full of energy to completely drained. Right now I don’t know how I’m writing this because my brain is foggy today I’m drained. […]

Blog Tours

I want to start with Clare’s blog, she’s a foodie and her blog reflects it. Clare is honest about her fears of inadequacies in the kitchen but faces them head on. She makes you feel like you can do the same, face your own fears of inadequacy. Her blog is written as though she is […]

Sleep and Trying to be Normal

Sleep and trying to be normal go hand in hand, if you don’t sleep enough then there’s no way in HELL you’re going to be “normal”. What I consider normal is being on an even keel. I decided to write this today because I’m exhausted from trying to hide the turmoil going on inside me. […]

Having Kids

I decided to go out of order today, because it’s my youngest sons’ birthday and I can’t be with him. It’s not that I don’t want to but he doesn’t want to be with me. So many of my topics tie into this so I’ll try to explain yet quickly go over them. My Benja […]